Welcome to the Anglican Parish of West Quebec

If you live in West Quebec then the Anglican church near you likely belongs to our  historic parish. In our parish

Everyone is Welcome! No Exceptions!


 Excuse our Mess we are Renovating our Site!

need info? please call 873-666- 8886

____________________________________________________________Christmas Services will be posted by Dec 1st.

Good Mental Health is so important to coping with what life sends.

One of priorities that is still ongoing is our Mental Health Initiative. We as a parish and the clergy are committed to supporting folks, educating and networking. We will be posting to Facebook new developments and support materials. In the meantime:

If you are anxious due to these times or have a pastoral concern please do not hesitate to call:

The Reverend Susan Lewis 613 878 0081 or The Venerable Eric Morin 613 298 0929

If you are very anxious please contact 811 option #2 to speak to a 24/7 social worker who can assess your needs and provide help or go directly to the hospital.

Be Safe and Be Well

Rev. Eric & Rev. Susan

Reverend Susan (Regional Dean of West Quebec) loves everything liturgy and ministry. She is passionate about liturgy, social justice,…

The Venerable Eric Morin (he/him)

Reverend Eric, our Incumbent and Archdeacon of West Quebec, comes to our parish with over 14 years experience as…

06 Nov, 2021
01 Oct, 2021
12 Sep, 2021
11 Sep, 2021