Spirituality and Faith
Our Anglican spirituality and faith are keystones of who we are as people. As a result, they inform our choices and our actions as we interact with others and our environments.
In the Anglican tradition our spirituality and faith are rooted in the incarnation of Jesus. Jesus brought love and healing to the world. The love of Jesus (God’s love) lives within us and we take God’s love to the world.
In order to deepen our understanding and experience of the mystery of God, our spirituality and faith require nurturing. We do this through prayer, study and action both personally and within community.
Within community we learn and experience God’s love. We learn together through weekly worship services and through the special services that take place during Advent and Lent.
Within community we experience the sacraments of Eucharist (Holy Communion- weekly), baptism, marriage and funerals.
Within community we learn to live as Christians following the example of Jesus. We learn how to be Christians in today’s world and how to love God, our neighbour and ourselves. We also learn how to take God’s love to the world and to the people that God loves.
God’s love is a radical love of inclusion and acceptance and includes everyone with no exceptions
Everything we do in our church community is designed to deepen our faith and encourage us to live out our faith in the world. That includes worship, special study programs, prayer, and outreach events such as our Mental Health Initiative, Our Family’s Closet events that include a community clothing drive and a pop-up free shopping day. We also take part in the Big Give – a national day of generosity (Holy Trinity Radford and St. Paul’s Shawville) and we partner with Connexions Resources to offer health and well-being seminars for seniors. We also partnered with Alzheimer’s Outaouais to provide free Dementia Friendly workshops in two of our communities.